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美国ZYMO RESEARCH-Quick-RNA Viral Kits

Quick-RNA Viral Kits

The Quick- RNA Viral Kits are viral RNA purification kits that provide for rapid isolation of high-quality viral RNA from a wide range of biological sources. It can be used to successfully isolate from cell-free body fluids, as well as cellular suspensions. These viral RNA purification kits have been rigorously tested and used to isolate viral RNA from samples containing enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, HIV, HCV, influenza A virus, flaviviruses, measles virus, parainfluenza virus and parvovirus (a ssDNA virus). These viral RNA purification kits employ a single buffer system that facilitates viral particle lysis and allows for subsequent RNA binding. The RNA is washed and then eluted with DNase/RNase-Free Water. The eluted RNA is suitable for use in various subsequent procedures, including RT-qPCR.


Catalog #


Binding Capacity


Elution Volume

R1034, R1035

Quick-RNA Viral Kit

10 µg


6 µl

R1040, R1041

Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit

10 µg

96-Well Plate

10 µl

Quick-RNA Viral Kit

R1034 / R1035

The Quick-RNA Viral Kit is a quick viral RNA purification kit for viral RNA from plasma, serum, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, urine, blood, saliva and any other biological samples...

Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit

R1040 / R1041

The Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit is a viral RNA purification kit that provides for rapid, large scale isolation of viral RNA from plasma, serum, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, urine,...

微生物菌种鉴定分析微生物组分析微生物检测分析 动植物基因组分析转录调控
















   真菌基因组de novo测序







   动植物基因组de novo测序










   Small RNA测序



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